Episode 013: Lee Smith and Hal Crowther


Today’s podcast features two writers: novelist and short story writer Lee Smith, and journalist and essayist Hal Crowther.  Smith is author of more than a dozen works of fiction, including the recent nove On Agate Hill; she has won numerous awards for her work, including the Southern Book Critics Circle Award, a Lila Wallace / Reader’s Digest Award, and the Robert Penn Warren Prize for Fiction.  Hal Crowther has written three books of nonfiction, and his work has appeared in a great number of newspapers, magazines, and journals, including the Oxford American, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Time, and Newsweek.  His most recent book is Gather At The River: Notes From The Post-Millennial South. The two live in North Carolina.

Crowther and Smith read in Cornell’s Goldwin Smith Hall on November 15, 2007. This interview took place earlier the same day.